Last night we went to John's sister's house for birthday celebrations for various family members. She lives in Castle Rock. It's a really beautiful place, surrounded by trees and huge houses. We had a great time. After it got dark, we drove down the street a little ways because the town was having a winter celebration with fireworks. We drove to a park, which was an awesome playground. They don't have anything like that around here. Anyway, the fireworks started and I watched all the kids sitting on the grass wiggling excitedly. Listening to their responses was such a pleasure. Adam was screaming "why are you trying to kill us?!" hehe and Christopher was exclaiming "whoa, cool, awesome!". Sarah enjoyed in silence. It reminded me how much we take for granted. Fireworks really are glorious things to watch. I'm always amazed how they can get one firework to explode with multiple colors and several things shooting out in different directions doing different things. My favorite part is the loud boom they make. It was so nice to just enjoy the simple things in life. Today's lesson in Gospel Doctrine was a wonderful addition to what I was already feeling. Hope. Let's look at life in a positive way and full of hope. For the first time in a long time, I feel full of hope. I thank the Lord for the simplicity of His way and the opportunity we have to enjoy the countless things He has given us to enjoy.
Thanks for the reminder:) Sometimes I find myself not stopping and appreciating life and the simple things:)
I have never been the kind of person that can find gospel lessons in experiences like that. I really admire when others do.
You are sounding so at peace these days! That's awesome! What changed?
I just found your blog and I've been enjoying reading back through the old posts. Fun to learn more about you!
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