I said on a previous post that my children were the ONLY ones with any talent when it came to school performances. Well tonight my boys had a first and second grade musical about bugs. It was the cutest and funniest thing I have ever seen. While clearly my boys WERE the most talented, all the other kids did NOT suck. I actually had a fantastic time. In fact while I was videotaping part of it I got to laughing so hard that the camara was shaking and I'm not sure you could hear anything but my laughing. They were all so awesome. I was so impressed.
Christopher was a caterpillar:
Adam was a Military ant: He would not smile because "Military doesn't smile"

So I think my faith has been restored in school performances...
You stinker! You just had to post before me didn't you!
I would just like to point out that the BEST catepillar wasn't even mentioned in your post...Eric.
I think the songs that ours boys did were the best. Of course the fuzzy catepillar song being #1.
I'm glad you had a good time and that the rest of kids didn't suck. ;)
Love the pictures of the boys... and "military doesn't smile" made me laugh out loud!
I'm just being devil's advocate here, but if Rosa didn't read your blog would you have still said that the rest of the kids in the play didn't suck? Just kidding, sort of! Sounds like a cute performance!
Would love to see a video of that, I heard all about it from mom.
Can you post the video?
- Niki
My daughter was in a program at school the other day and I have to say, she was pretty darn cute. She was a little galloping horse on Old Mac's farm. It was pretty close for the other kids, but yeah, mine was the cutest and the best. :)
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