Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Scary or an adventure?

My mom came over yesterday evening because she wanted to take me and the kids out to dinner at Dairy Queen. So we pile in the van and head into Brighton. I see that my gas gauge is saying empty.
The gauge is actually broken so I'm never really sure how much gas I have, but I knew I was low.
Over the last couple of weeks, instead of filling the tank, I would put in ten dollars at a time. The reason being that every time I went to fill up, I was at a station where the prices were too high. So, reasoning that I would only put in $10 and then fill up at a cheaper station, I kept running out of gas at the more expensive places.
Needless to say, as we leave my house, I think to myself, I should get gas. But the station here in town is too expensive, I'll get it when I get into Brighton.
As we head west on Bridge, about a mile and a half from town, I notice that nothing happens when I put my foot on the gas peddle. hmmm. I say to the kids and my mom...start praying guys, 'cause we're out of gas and it will be a long walk for the kids.
The engine shuts off as we are coasting down Bridge st. Fortunately there is a slight hill and we are able to keep going, though our speed slowly went from 5o mph to about 20. There is a line of cars behind us because the road in only one lane. I put on my hazard lights so they didn't get too mad.
Well, I'm doing pretty well and I know there is a Kum and Go gas station just inside town. I get to the first light just as it turns green. Whew. Then I pull up to the gas station and have to stop because of traffic, which is not easy because when the car is not running, it's hard to put on the brakes or steer or anything.
So when traffic clears, I open my door and push the van into the gas station. Two people ran up to help me once I got in because it was uphill to the pump. Whew! We made it. Prayers really do help.
I turned to look at the kids and said, Yay! what an adventure huh? My daughter said, yeah, but kind of scary.
On the way home, we passed a car pulled to the side of the road whose engine was really smoking. As we got closer we saw that the engine was on fire. The flames were big and coming out from the center of the hood. The driver was opening the hood and fanning the fire. Crazy. I don't know how he could touch it without getting burned.
So we got to call 911 as well that day. The operator asked me skeptically "Is it really on fire or is it just smoking?" I said "It's really on fire." Fortunately for that guy the fire station was only 2 blocks away.
It was definitely an adventure, but I can see how it might me a little scary for the kids who haven't experienced running out of gas before or seen fires. hehe


Druciana said...

Wow! That sounds crazy!

Jami said...

I've coasted on fumes and prayer before! Those experiences are so great for your kids, what a testimony builder!

taradon said...

A bit of a scary adventure! I'm glad you made it almost all the way there and that people were willing to help you get the rest of the way to the pump. And thank goodness you weren't the one on fire! My car catching fire is a big fear of mine...

Tera said...

oh man, you were so lucky that you were able to coast to the gas station. Running out of gas is not fun. And I'd have to admit, that even though I drove all the way to ww, then michaels and target, I not once even looked at my gas gauge. I have no idea how much gas is in there. A very bad habit that i need to break, for sure!

Anonymous said...

I remember the day when I was little, you and I were driving somewhere and ran out of gas... it was a long walk, but it actually was really fun. Totally an adventure.

- Niki

Cara said...

I am so glad that you and your kids and mother made it to the gas station just fine. Hope that never happens again! Next time you might not be so close to a gas station.

Prayer does work!