Thursday, July 30, 2009

One little monkey...

One little monkey jumping on the bed, he fell off and broke his.......toe!

Adam thought it would be fun to jump on his bed and see if he can touch the ceiling. Well, he fell of and caught his toe on the metal railing that supports the mattresses. This was yesterday. I thought maybe he had just strained the muscles or something but the swelling didn't go down, so I finally took him to Platte Valley today. Sure enough, he as a small fracture in his big toe.

I said, "Bummer, sometimes things like this happen when we break the rules". He said, "I know and I have learned my lesson!"


Druciana said...

What is it with your family and toes? hehe
You know you should probably give him SOME sympathy. I'm sure it hurts really bad. Although, he does get to be the one with the fun story about what he did this summer...

taradon said...

I have sympathy for him! It does hurt! His broken toe looks worse than mine, though. I'm not having to wear the big boot and all. Hope it heals up quickly.

Tera said...

I totally love what you told him. It's exactly what I would have said and worked way better than any lecture could have!