Friday, August 21, 2009

Teeth brushing sprinkler head?

I don't remember my dreams very often if I even have them. Perhaps it's because I sleep in too late I don't know. But this morning I had to wake up at 4:15 to take my brother to the airport. Just in time to remember my dream.

I dreamed I was standing outside this big back yard. There was one sprinkler head right in the center that would circle around and hit all the grass in the yard. Of course part way through the dream I realized that the sprinkler head was actually my daughter and I was trying to teach her to circle around slowly so that every area received enough water. So I'm watching myself turn slowly around trying to show her how to do it.

When we were done watering the lawn, we went in to brush our teeth. My daughter turned into my son Christopher and there were two sinks. I was vigorously brushing and trying to be thorough because my son was watching me and I was trying to teach him proper brushing habits.

When I finished, I bent over the sink to spit out the toothpaste and that's when I woke up. I had spit for real. I woke up to spit running down my chin and neck. Nice wake up call. That was about 30 seconds before my alarm went off. It worked better than the annoying buzzing. Gross though. haha


taradon said...

Funny and gross way to start the day! =D

Druciana said...

HAHA! That better than waking up talking or yelling!

Tera said...

Dreams really are interesting aren't they?

Anonymous said...