Sunday, January 2, 2011

She must like hospitals...

In January 2009 Sarah got sick. We thought it was a stomach bug. But it lasted for four or five days and she said her back was really hurting. I just figured her muscles were sore from throwing up. Then her eyes turned yellow. That was when we took her to the Dr. We were sent over to Children's for an ultra sound.
Sarah had gall stones. The were blocking something so her gall bladder and liver were not working right.
She was awfully young to have gall stones but I guess it is hereditary. She has always had terrible belly aches. We never knew why. Honestly, we thought it was just gas. Anyway, she had to have surgery to remove her gall bladder. They told us they could break up the stones but that they would just come back again. Thankfully we live in this wonderful world of technology. Four small incisions and they pulled the gall bladder out of the one through her belly button. The scar is bigger there and doesn't show as much. She missed two weeks of school. The doctor said only a couple of days but they cut through her stomach muscles. Small cuts but none the less painful and you use your stomach muscles for EVERYTHING.
We enjoyed our two day stay at the hospital. Just her and I. She was spoiled by the nurses - and me.
This was her second major surgery in her life. The first one was when she was 5 and she broke her arm. She had to have 3 screws and 4 pins put in.


Katie said...

Poor thing! That's no fun. Hope she recovers quickly...

taradon said...

Ouch! Glad it wasn't anything more, but still ouch!