Thursday, September 29, 2011


For our anniversary this year, my mother took our kids for the whole day. We decided to go to the parade of homes. The first set we went to wasn't too far and they were having a BBQ. They were the best burgers I think I have ever had in my whole life. No kidding. I had two. Anyway, when we went to leave there was a grasshopper on the windshield. I don't like killing things. Even bugs that I hate. In fact, the only thing I will kill is a fly and that's because I can't catch them and they are too dumb to go out through an open door. So, needless to say, we didn't turn on the windshield wipers for fear of it smooshing all over the windshield. We figured it would just hop off after we started driving. It lasted for probably 10 miles at 75 miles per hour. (We were on the highway). Stupid bug. It was all I could stand. I think grasshoppers are among the worst bugs there are. I HATE them!! I was traumatized as a child - long story. Anyway I was relieved when it finally blew away.

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